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    Lifelong learning, sustainable performance, green challenges and responsible leadership

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  • 1 001

    Lifelong learning, sustainable performance, green challenges and responsible leadership

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Who are we ?

In tune with the numerous and fast transitions of the world over at least 2 decades (between crises and opportunities) and motivated by my personal ideal concept of a parent, a Franco-Tunisian citizen, a teacher-trainer, an association president-founder and CEO and founder of two companies, I implement (with expertise and convictions) a set of programs of educational actions and acquisition of knowledge necessary to take on the current and future challenges in France and elsewhere.


Educational efficiency

Lasting performance




Backed by previous successful experience in the accomplishment of my missions, I see today a substantial growth of my activities and strongly wish to welcome you soon among my partners (in France, Europe, the Arab countries, Canada and China).

These programs are available for you and / or your organization, but also for all the people and institutions around you; thank you for kindly distributing them without moderation.

I have a good strategic and pragmatic vision of:

  • humans and their environment
  • reflection, creativity and innovation
  • educational action (plural and sustainable), apprenticeship and vocational training
  • openness to the future and to the international market (28 countries visited)

Issues that I take up with great pleasure, conviction and expertise for more than 25 years, and I hope for many years to come.

  • Animation with the University of Tangier of a webinar on the theme : "Impact of covid 19 on the energy sector and the importance of renewable energies to support ecological transition and the fight against climate change".
  • Conferences and training at the Institut Polytechnique Saint-Louis (IPSL) in Cergy (95) on the themes of renewable energies (photovoltaic, biomass and wind power)
  • Creation of a CFA, International Apprentice Training Center (CAP, Bac Pro, BTS) in the fields of Sustainable Development and Digital.

  • On 11/22/2019, I made an intervention at UNESCO, during a meeting devoted to violence against girls and women and I pleaded for good pedagogy and adequate education in order to face this scourge and ensure that they are truly emancipated and real lifeblood of society.
  • On 02/06/2020, at the Maison de la Chimie in Paris, I gave a conference, entitled; "Chemistry and Sustainable Development" for an audience made up of students belonging to 4 engineering schools

  • My future activities with positive impacts : See the details in the last paragraph of the section "Seminars, conferences, courses and training" below
  • I will participate in Expo 2021-2022 in Dubai in a French delegation in favor of strengthening the Franco-Emirati partnership in various fields, including education and training dedicated to digital and the green economy. This action is in line with the continuation of my very successful visit to China (to DongGuan) in October 2018 to participate in an international exhibition and be part of the Pavilion of France.

Overall, the programs essential missions - which are those of the Zenith International Educational Network (that I call a massive construction weapon) - are:

  • to create and / or preserve human wealth and maintain and / or create jobs.
  • to train people to develop useful skills for constructive and responsible activities in sustainable development, the digital field and other jobs of the future.
  • to promote citizenship, personal fulfillment, living together, progression and peace
  • to fight community segregation, school failure, youth dropping out and idleness along with their disastrous consequences including unemployment, exclusion, delinquency, indoctrination, obscurantism, fundamentalism, violent radicalism jihadism or even terrorism.
  • to provide France with an additional tool for international cooperation.

Chemist, speaker (green deal), professor (among others at Polytechnique), trainer (Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry), president of an association (AFAFE), head of 2 companies (1 001 SAVOIRS and Ali BELGHITH Co), webinarist and author.

I will participate in Expo 2021-2022 in Dubai in a French delegation in favor of strengthening the Franco-Emirati partnership in various fields, including education and training dedicated to digital and the green economy. This action is in line with the continuation of my very successful visit to China (to DongGuan) in October 2018 to participate in an international exhibition and be part of the Pavilion of France.

Diplomas :

  • Tunisian scientific baccalaureate
  • Master (with honors) + (CNRS and Polytechnique: 2 years): Universities of Bordeaux and Grenoble.

Lecturer on several themes

us !

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Efficiency and success
Efficiency and success
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Conferences and trainings
In France and abroad
In France and abroad
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